Getting Involved
SITC Teacher Resources
Whether you’re new to Salmon in the Classroom or have been with our program for years, this page has all the resources you need for a successful year raising salmon. First, look through the Salmon in the Classroom school year timeline on the SITC page to keep track of important dates and tasks. After that, spend as much time as you need with other topics to prepare for your best salmon year yet.
Questions? Email or call 360-882-0936 x 228.
Salmon Care Guides
Raising salmon is easy when you know what to expect each step of the way! We’ve created salmon care guides to help you learn how to perform routine tank maintenance, common mistakes to avoid, and how to respond to certain fish health issues.
In Class Activities
Our Salmon in the Classroom educators can visit your school several times a year to provide hands-on activities in your classroom! Distance learning options are also available. Email to schedule an activity for your class in fall or spring.
Fish Release Field Trips
Getting students out to the stream to release their salmon is central to SITC’s mission. We offer 2-hr field trips to Salmon Creek Park, filled with activity rotations that help your students connect classroom learning with real-world salmon habitat. If releasing salmon with students is not possible, we can also bring activities to your school yard to celebrate the upcoming release of your salmon.
Salmon Curriculum Packets
Teachers in the Pacific Northwest have raised salmon in schools for decades, and many organizations have developed curriculum packets for students raising salmon. Explore our collection of curriculum packets from other organizations for activities and graphics to use with your students.
Materials for Check-out
Have your students ever seen the growth rings on a salmon scale, or held a salmon’s “ear-stone?” We have a collection of salmon artifacts and resources to support hands-on learning in your classroom. Whether you’re looking for an oversized salmon pillow filled with model internal organs for a salmon anatomy lesson, or a collection of salmon books for a literacy project, we’ve got you covered! Current SITC teachers can borrow check-out materials by contacting the SITC Coordinator at