COVID-19 confusion? We’re with ya!


At Columbia Springs we value the safety and comfort of our community. Last week the CDC released guidance for vaccinated adults, which was followed by a series of government officials’ responses and goals for our Nation, our State and Clark County.

We are excited to think of the possibility of returning to a new normal, but will continue to maintain COVID safety protocols in our programs and on site until further notice to ensure that everyone in our community feels safe. Columbia Springs will be following the guidelines that were set forth by the 4 metrics as part of the Healthy Washington Road to Recovery. These numbers provide an overview of current COVID-19 trends and healthcare system readiness in each region.

  1. Trend in case rate – Trend in 14-day rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population;
  2. Trend in hospital admission rate – Trend in 14-day rate of new COVID-19 hospital admissions per 100,000 population;
  3. Percent ICU Occupancy – Average 7-day percent occupancy of ICU staffed beds;
  4. Percent Positivity – 7-day percent positive of COVID-19 tests.

When the County sees a decline in COVID cases that brings our cases per 100,000 to 200/100k we will resume our outdoor events, and will bring back indoor activities at a rate of 150/100k.

Masks will be required for those attending all of our events including (but not limited to): Repair Clark County, field trips, summer camps, drop in education programming, and volunteering. Please continue to wear masks on our trails when a distance of six feet cannot be maintained between you and another party. Additionally, the one-way system on our trails will remain in effect to support social distancing.

We are in what could be the home stretch to overcoming the difficulties we have faced as a community in the last year. We appreciate your commitment to the safety of our community and look forward to seeing you again soon!