by | Dec 18, 2018 | Photo sharing
Went on an adventure and took some breathtaking pictures? Now you can share them with us under our ‘Support’ tab. Add a description of your time here at Columbia Springs and your pictures might just be next on our blog!.#experience #community #nature
by | Dec 16, 2018 | Photo sharing
Don’t let the weather keep you from getting outdoors! Research shows that the benefits of being in nature include reduced anxiety and depression and better sleep habits – even when it’s cold and rainy outside. Head to Columbia Springs for your dose...
by | Dec 14, 2018 | Photo sharing
This fall, field trips brought 441 adults to our site. Two thirds of those adults had never been to Columbia Springs before! Not only do chaperones help give more one-on-one attention to students, they are learning about environmental education as well. Thank you...
by | Dec 13, 2018 | Photo sharing
The Vancouver Trout Hatchery was established in 1938 as part of the Works Progress Administration during Roosevelt’s New Deal. 80 years late, the hatchery is still fully operational and supports Columbia Springs programs, such as Salmon in the Classroom....
by | Dec 12, 2018 | Photo sharing
Illahee’s 4th grade class stopped to look at a Great Blue Heron when they noticed a Red Tailed Hawk hiding in a nearby tree. Kids are always excited to see what they can discover on their field trips at Columbia Springs; even with the cold weather! #birdwatching...
by | Dec 11, 2018 | Photo sharing
Did you know Columbia Springs supports the Klineline Kids Fishing Event and the Klineline non-profit supports Columbia Spring’s Kids Fishing Festival? Our hatchery provides the fish and Klineline provides the poles! We love being able to support the great work...