Columbia Springs



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March 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

March 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

Garbage Disposal Not Working? Try the Reset Switch Before Calling a Plumber! Most garbage disposals have a small red button on the bottom (sometimes on the side). This is the reset switch, which works like a circuit breaker. If the disposal gets stuck or has a...

Deciduous Tree Spotlight: Cottonwood

Deciduous Tree Spotlight: Cottonwood

We wanted to share the highlights from Apryl's Tree Chat at our March Nature Day. Here are just a few interesting facts about Cottonwoods: Cottonwoods are a type of poplar tree (in the same genus as aspens - Populus) They are a pioneer species well adapted to living...

February 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

February 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

Why is my lamp flickering?   Flickering lamps are a common problem. While it could be due to a loose wire or a bad bulb, the most common cause is using the wrong type of bulb. First, check the cord. If you wiggle the cord (usually where it plugs in or enters the...

January 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

January 2025 Repair Tip of the Month

Introducing Repair Tip of the Month! Homeowners can often replace parts in many home appliances with a few tools and basic skills. For instance, replacing dishwasher rack parts is usually simple. Many online stores sell replacement parts. They also offer diagrams and...

Chapter 3: The Dam

Chapter 3: The Dam

We are writing a short story about a stickleback named Cedar who lives at Columbia Springs. Here is the third chapter! **Chapter 3: The Dam** The sun climbed higher over the city as the early morning mist dissolved, leaving the waters of West Biddle Lake sparkling in...

Fall Nature Days!

Fall Nature Days!

Have you been to one of our Nature Days? There are three opportunities coming up this fall! One Saturday a month during the fall and winter, we host a Nature Day for community members to come out and explore Columbia Springs through hands on activities. These events...

Chapter 2: Navigating Dangers From the Sky

Chapter 2: Navigating Dangers From the Sky

We are writing a short story about a stickleback named Cedar who lives at Columbia Springs. Here is the second chapter! **Chapter 2: Navigating Dangers From the Sky** Life in West Biddle Lake wasn’t easy for Cedar, the young stickleback. Every day brought a new...

Chapter 1: A Stickleback is Born

Chapter 1: A Stickleback is Born

We are writing a short story about a stickleback named Cedar who lives at Columbia Springs. Here is the first chapter! Stay tuned for more in the coming months. **Chapter 1: Cedar's Discovery** In the heart of Columbia Springs, surrounded by a neighborhood of joyful...

How Fishing Shaped My Career Path

How Fishing Shaped My Career Path

This is the next entry in a series of blog posts by guest writers sharing how fishing has impacted their lives and shaped their views on the environment. By Ben Veysey, MHCC Fisheries student Hello, my name is Ben and I’m a first year student at Mt. Hood Community...

We’re hiring a new Business Manager!

We’re hiring a new Business Manager!

Photo Credit: Paul Peloquin  We're hiring a new Business Manager! The Business Manager manages all fiscal related matters to ensure the organization is compliant by managing and maintaining accurate books, accounts payable and receivables, grant funding allocations,...

How Fishing Shaped the Way I View the Environment

How Fishing Shaped the Way I View the Environment

This is the first entry in a series of blog posts by guest writers sharing how fishing has impacted their lives and shaped their views on the environment. By Jordan Nelson, MHCC Fisheries student My name is Jordan, and I was born in California in 1993, into a family...

Have you heard about our guided tours?

Have you heard about our guided tours?

Have you ever wondered how old the fish are out in our round ponds, or what wildlife can be found around our site? Learn about all that Columbia Springs has to offer during one of our guided tours! Even though we had our last Nature Fun Day of the season (next one is...

The Early Years – by Co-Founder Dean Sutherland

The Early Years – by Co-Founder Dean Sutherland

The Vancouver Trout Hatchery was built in the early 1930s as part of the Works Project Administration during the Great Depression. It was owned and operated by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). By 1994. WDFW needed to shut down facilities...

Thank you for a wonderful year!

Thank you for a wonderful year!

As we approach the close of this remarkable year, I'm deeply moved by the incredible support and friendship that you, our wonderful supporters, have showered upon us. In this season of wonder and gratitude, I am inspired to reflect upon the extraordinary impact we've...

Megan’s Internship Reflection

Megan’s Internship Reflection

Megan has been interning with Columbia Springs since this summer and has been doing wonderful things. She is about to turn 18 and is beginning to look for new and exciting employment opportunities. We wish her good luck in her next endeavor! Below is Megan's...

Where the River Meets the Sea

Where the River Meets the Sea

Hi everyone! My name is Maria, and I am an emerging environmental leader’s intern at Columbia Springs. I recently graduated from the University of Portland, where I studied Environmental Ethics & Policy and Philosophy. Over the past couple of months, I have been...

We’re hiring! Join our community engagement team

We’re hiring! Join our community engagement team

Photo Credit: Paul Peloquin   We're hiring for a temporary Community Engagement Specialist (nine month parental leave coverage)! Responsible for outreach and events at Columbia Springs, the Community Engagement Specialist makes sure that our story is heard by the...

Now Accepting EEL Applicants

Now Accepting EEL Applicants

PC: Paul Peloquin     Do you love science and education? We are looking for local, early career applicants in environmental science or related fields to join us in our Emerging Environmental Leaders internship program. This paid program runs October through December...

Sam’s Summer Internship Reflection

Sam’s Summer Internship Reflection

Hi, it's Samuel! Columbia Springs’ 2023 Hutton Scholar from the Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program! My time this summer as a Hutton Scholar has been incredible, and I thank everyone from Columbia Springs and AFS that made my experience possible! When I first...

Are you our next part time educator?

Are you our next part time educator?

Are you a child at heart that loves exploring moss-covered forests or turning over rocks in the stream to see what lives underneath? Join our creative and passionate team of Columbia Springs Educators and guide the next generation of nature explorers! If you want to...

Meet the Interns

Meet the Interns

Hi, we’re the outreach interns for Columbia Springs this summer, Samuel (Left), Jaylen (Middle), and Megan (right)!  A little bit about me, Samuel, is that I’ve been recruited for this internship through the AFS Hutton Scholar program. I like hanging out with my...

Dambreaking & Detours

Dambreaking & Detours

PC: Taylor Balkom/The Columbian   Did you see us in the news?! Last month, we broke ground on our West Biddle Dam Replacement Project. This project will provide the water to sustain salmon and trout production at Columbia Springs! “We understand the importance of...

2023 Summer Camp Internships Open Now!

2023 Summer Camp Internships Open Now!

Columbia Springs offers our community a unique setting where educational experiences foster greater awareness of the natural world, inspiring stewardship. Our educational facility is located on one hundred acres of urban natural area at the historic Vancouver Trout...

Inside a Repair Event

Inside a Repair Event

Photo Credit: Paul Peloquin   A group of volunteers equipped with glue, sewing machines, and screwdrivers redefined what it means to recycle. On March 11, volunteers of Repair Clark County, a program for item repairs run by the environmental education nonprofit...

Why do we Repair?

Why do we Repair?

Columbia Springs is well known for having a beautiful location, where anyone can take some time to enjoy nature in their own city. We have a nationally recognized Science and Nature Field Trip Program, standing out as a top performer for engaging kids of all kinds in...

What did we do in 2022?

What did we do in 2022?

As the year ends, I am thankful for the generosity of so many in our community who have provided financial and volunteer support for our programs, students, and site. The past couple of years have been some of those most challenging in recent decades. The natural...

What can we achieve in 12 days?

What can we achieve in 12 days?

Did you participate in our 12 Days of Columbia Springs holiday raffle last year? Good news - it's back again this month! Read below to learn how you can help us meet our fundraising goal of $8,000 before January 1st.How does it work?  From December 19th-30th: a prize...

ReWrap is back for the 5th year!

ReWrap is back for the 5th year!

ReWrap returns - just in time for the holiday season.   In the past, we’ve sewn bags for the ReWrap program during the Night Market and Holiday Farmer’s Market, then during the pandemic, we partnered with Meals on Wheels. We’ve sewn and donated over 3,000 bags in...

Beaver Relocation with Cascade Forest Conservancy

Beaver Relocation with Cascade Forest Conservancy

You might have noticed one of the rounds in our hatchery recently had a makeover. We are so excited to announce that through a partnership with Cascade Forest Conservancy (CFC), Columbia Springs is now a housing location for beavers undergoing relocation! The beavers...

Our Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Columbia Springs Mission is to offer a unique setting and educational experiences that foster a greater awareness of the natural world and inspire stewardship.EQUITY STATEMENTS Columbia Springs commits to championing policies and practices of community equity that...

AFS Hutton Intern – Hailey Gerdts

AFS Hutton Intern – Hailey Gerdts

My name is Hailey Gerdts, and I have been a Hutton intern at Columbia Springs this summer. Throughout my time here, I have been blessed with connections to many wonderful people and field experiences that have enriched my knowledge of the natural world and...

The Science of Science Education

The Science of Science Education

Researchers Malia Pownall and Talia Schmitt observing a field trip at Columbia Springs.     What makes a great environmental education program? Malia Pownall and Talia Schmitt are traveling across the county to find the answer.  They are part of a research team...

Invasive Investigation: Himalayan Blackberry

Invasive Investigation: Himalayan Blackberry

Imagine you are walking along a forest trail, minding your own business, when all of a sudden you are snagged by a long and thorny vine! There’s a good chance it’s the Himalayan Blackberry, an invasive species brought to North America for its fruit from Armenia and...

Sponsor Highlight – Cowlitz Tribal Foundation

Sponsor Highlight – Cowlitz Tribal Foundation

Columbia Springs is so thankful to the Cowlitz Tribal Foundation for investing in our ability to be stewards of the land around us!     We recognize the sacred duty we have in preserving the land Columbia Springs is located on. Since time immemorial, these lands have...

Fish Whisperers Wanted – We’re hiring!

Fish Whisperers Wanted – We’re hiring!

Do you love seeing students’ eyes light up when they realize their passion for science? Do you want to share your love of streams and salmon with local youth? Are you a fish whisperer? Join our talented education team and bring science to life as the Salmon in the...

Family Nature Fun! – April 2022

Family Nature Fun! – April 2022

Family Nature Fun is happening TOMORROW!   We hope you join us onsite for this Earth Week celebration on Saturday, April 23rd between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. But if you can't make it, you can still get involved at home! Check out the activities below and feel free...

We “Soiled” Our Undies!

We “Soiled” Our Undies!

Have you seen these signs around Columbia Springs? If so, you might be asking "what are they doing with underwear??"   As it turns out, a "quick and dirty" way to test your soil is by "planting" a pair of new, cotton underwear in the site you're curious about. So we...

Looking to 2022

Looking to 2022

My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present was tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope and anticipations of joy.   -Mary Shelley   Nature is enchanting. When I need a break from...

12 Days of Giving Returns!

12 Days of Giving Returns!

Winter is a season of giving, and this year we have been inspired by the generous nature of evergreen trees.  With the help of wonderful local businesses, we are excited to give back to our supporters once again by bringing back our 12 Days of Giving Holiday Raffle!...

Notice to Contractors

Notice to Contractors

Columbia Springs (CS) invites qualified contractors to provide construction services based upon the attached specifications, to begin the implementation of the reconstruction of West Biddle Lake dam. The intent is to select one firm (or one team) to provide services....

The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

How well do you know chum salmon? Read on to learn more!  Of the five Pacific salmon species, chum are the second largest. During spawning season, males develop bright calico markings on their sides, and males grow large canine fangs (for which chum are also...

A ReLit Recap

A ReLit Recap

ReLit: Renewing our Past. Lighting our Future.   Did you have a chance to take part in our first annual upcycled lighting festival? ReLit showcased the connection between environmental education and the footprint of the everyday “stuff” we all have. Giving...

Digging up dirt

Digging up dirt

At the end of August 2020, our contractors at WSP performed cone penetration tests (CPTs) at the West Biddle Dam site, and collected soil samples. The test is called a cone penetration test because it consists of a cone attached to a rod that is pushed into the soil...

A walk on the geophysics side!

A walk on the geophysics side!

On September 3rd and 4th 2020 an electrical resistivity and a self-potential survey were performed. The purpose of these two surveys is to identify seepage areas. A seepage area is an area where ground water is flowing along paths under and around the dam. Both...

We’re Hiring – Join Our Team!

We’re Hiring – Join Our Team!

Do you remember the first time you saw a banana slug? Are you a child at heart that loves exploring moss-covered forests or turning over rocks in the stream to see what lives underneath? Join our creative and passionate team of Columbia Springs Educators and guide the...

Where’d the Water Go?

Where’d the Water Go?

The question we were asked most often in the last month: wasn't there more water here before?  We promise that you aren’t losing your mind, West Biddle Lake has gone through some changes recently! If you noticed that the lake seemed emptier than usual, you are...

We’re Replacing the Dam!

We’re Replacing the Dam!

We hope you enjoyed our first Campfire Conversation with Columbia Springs webinar on June 24th. We aim to host a series of presentations and conversations throughout the year to share important updates to our programs and our site with you.    Many of you already...

Our Commitment to Safety

Our Commitment to Safety

COVID-19 confusion? We're with ya!   At Columbia Springs we value the safety and comfort of our community. Last week the CDC released guidance for vaccinated adults, which was followed by a series of government officials’ responses and goals for our Nation, our...

Calling All Adventurers!

Calling All Adventurers!

  05.17.2021 UPDATE: Behind the Scenes at Columbia Springs is now open to the public! The links below will no longer work. Please visit our site and open the app to access our adventure!   Do you enjoy being outdoors? Do you have an affinity for scavenger...

Community Blooms at Columbia Springs

Community Blooms at Columbia Springs

Spring is now here, and with the support of generous local gardeners Columbia Springs was able to provide hydrangea cuttings to community members in preparation for the season – free of charge. Flowers signify love, and that is exactly what we saw at our March 12th...

Tales of the Annual Orander Fish Release

Tales of the Annual Orander Fish Release

The first fish release field trip I ever attended was at Jim and Barb Orander’s house, with 52 fourth graders from Hockinson Elementary. It was my first year as Salmon in the Classroom Coordinator. At that point we only hosted a handful of fish release field trips....

12 Days of Giving from Columbia Springs

12 Days of Giving from Columbia Springs

The end of the year is a season of giving, and this year that spirit is especially important to the organizations around you. The Columbia Springs team has shown great innovation and creativity throughout the trials of 2020 by finding ways to show up for our community...

Join us for a Snag Scavenger Hunt!

Join us for a Snag Scavenger Hunt!

It’s been a rough year for all, and now colder weather is on its way. You have been trapped in the same three rooms doing the same activities day in and day out. Your family and relationships are feeling the strain, and you are searching for an escape. If this sounds...

Repair volunteer helps salmon stay cool!

Repair volunteer helps salmon stay cool!

“Pete, you looked like Ghostbusters just then,” I said. Pete let out a hearty laugh and explained, “This machine has two modes it operates on... that’s the noisy mode.” He ran a wand over different internal components of one of our aquarium chillers, checking for...

A Wildlife Nursery at Columbia Springs

A Wildlife Nursery at Columbia Springs

It’s that time of year again! Animal babies of many species are being reared at Columbia Springs. The latest resident to hatch a brood is our blonde mallard duck. Mama duck has ten ducklings following her around West Biddle Lake right now. If one is quiet and still...

Rowdy Toddlers Running Amok

Rowdy Toddlers Running Amok

“Nature Play” is a fun catch phrase folks in the education field like to throw around. It can refer to special playgrounds with features like logs to balance on, trails to walk, and boulders to climb. Nature play areas have lots of sticks, dirt and rocks. Mimicking...

Creating family memories at Columbia Springs

Creating family memories at Columbia Springs

My family stumbled on Columbia Springs one Sunday morning years ago when our boys were very small. What caught our attention was the Vancouver Trout Hatchery, which Columbia Springs shares with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. My little sons were eager to...

Tales of the Awesome Restoration Volunteers

Tales of the Awesome Restoration Volunteers

In early 2018 several local Rotary groups contacted Columbia Springs to plan service events on site. The events were meant to fulfill an international initiative for each Rotarian to plant a tree that year. About half a dozen groups came out to the green spaces of...

Make Your Spring Cleaning Matter

Make Your Spring Cleaning Matter

Even busy working moms think about spring cleaning this time of year. For me, when the sunshine comes in through my windows again after the long winter I realize how dirty my house is. The cleaning binge that ensues is a very important yearly ritual that ensures a...

Columbia Springs wins Clark County Green Business Award 2019

Columbia Springs wins Clark County Green Business Award 2019

Columbia Springs would like to thank Clark County Public Health for presenting the Clark County Green Awards in 2019. We are honored to be the recipient of the first Green Business Award for nonprofits and government agencies. For nearly twenty years, Columbia Springs...

Collaborating to Accomplish Projects

Collaborating to Accomplish Projects

Thanks to a giant collaborative effort between The Wall construction company, Mutual Materials and the City of Vancouver Public Works, we are creating a permeable outdoor meeting space in the backyard of our Visitor Center. Using the friction between the bricks and...

Why I give to Columbia Springs

Why I give to Columbia Springs

This is your last week to give to Columbia Springs in 2018. With so many amazing charities in the area, here's why I think you should consider supporting our programs: When field trip students are asked what their favorite part of their experience was, many students...

Adding Art to Columbia Springs

Adding Art to Columbia Springs

Walking along Heron Loop Trail, you may have noticed some new additions. George Kenny, a local chainsaw artist, spent an afternoon carving owls, herons, and other creatures into dead cedar trees. Over the course of a few hours, Kenny and his son Garrett Aries carved...