Columbia Springs will be presenting its ninth Hooked on Nature, an annual fundraiser on August 4 this year. The event has changed and evolved over the years, as all good events do, but the goal is still the same: to support the programs and staff that serve our community. Columbia Springs’ programs touched the lives of over 16,000 people in 2017, and during the 2017-18 school year, we taught over 6,000 grade school students. This is a lot of people learning about nature and how to care for it!
Environmental Education is a public good. All people need clean water, air, and soil to thrive. Teaching students and adults about how the earth cleans the air, water, and soil is extraordinarily important, especially as our pristine Pacific Northwest environment continues to be the home of more people. Learning how to live more sustainably empowers us to make better choices to support this beautiful land.
Columbia Springs also inspires students to learn about the sciences. Our field trips provide foundational learning with hands-on learning and science exploration. All students learn about watersheds, decomposers and civil engineering on our day-long field experiences. Students and teachers rave about our education program, with 100% of teachers saying they would recommend our program to their peers.

Hooked on Nature makes the work Columbia Springs does possible by providing needed funding to care for the site, and support programs and staff. Hooked on Nature is an opportunity for existing and new supporters to gather together for an excellent meal, some fun games and entertainment, and a shared goal- to help Columbia Springs to thrive.
There are still tickets for Hooked available. Go to www.columbiasprings.org to purchase tickets or a table sponsorship today. Your support is much appreciated!