Did you know that since 2013, attendance at events we host here at Columbia Springs has tripled? Did you also know that the number of volunteer hours annually has more than doubled in that same time period, or that over 300 unique people have volunteered at Columbia Springs so far in 2016? That adds up to a LOT for one person to manage!
In order to allow our events and volunteer opportunities to continue to grow to keep pace with demand, and to increase the quality of these events for participants and guests, we are splitting the “Volunteer and Events Coordinator” position into two staff positions.
Erik Horngren, the former Master Composter/Recycler Program Coordinator will now be the Volunteer Manager at Columbia Springs, facilitating the Volunteer Lead program, Volunteer Docent program (coming in 2017), Stewardship Saturdays, internships, Eagle Scout projects, office volunteers, and volunteer projects.
I (Kaley McLachlan-Burton) will continue to plan and manage our events, as well as increase my role in our marketing, outreach, and fundraising efforts as the Events Coordinator.
So please note that Erik’s email is now volunteering@columbiasprings.org (note the “-ing” at the end of “volunteer”! volunteer@columbiasprings is broken!) and my email is now events@columbiasprings.org. Our phone numbers are the same; you can find them on our “Staff” page.
Erik and I both started at Columbia Springs in 2012 as interns, when this photo was taken.

#volunteering #events